Monday, March 9, 2009

Response to IVUS Ch. 13: Militarism and Violence

The amount that the U.S spends on its military and on militaristic operations is absolutely staggering. A lot of this has to do with the agendas of personal investors in big businesses. These businesses work in correlation with the White House and world military leaders to promote profits and stay ahead of the curve in weapons worldwide. Sometimes, our leaders stretch the truth or even outright lie to us in order to gain our financial support for a militaristic endeavor. While it is necessary to have public support in times of war, should our leaders lie to us about the facts in order to gain our support? Of course not! If there is no reason to go to war with another country, then we shouldn't! If they have a resource we want, we should negotiate with them! Didn't we learn in pre-school that it's nice to share? 
Just as an example, it wasn't until 1995 that we learned the supposed North Vietnamese attack on the U.S in the Gulf of Tonkin was a complete fabrication. The significance of this attack was that it catapulted the Unites States into the Vietnamese war. Had this 'attack' not been fabricated and stretched, the U.S likely wouldn't have entered the war; the effects of this cannot be measured. How would our nation be different had we not entered the war? Even today, it's been proven that there was no connection between Saddam Hussein and Iraq in the Sept 11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Did the White House use this tragedy as a launch point to take advantage of the oil supplies in Iraq? It's hard to say yes or no, but it does look suspicious. 
I think it's corrupt and greedy politicians and investors like these that give America its bad name. If these people were not so concerned with their own interests and with lining their own pockets, our society would have a lot more invested into domestic issues. All these profits being made by private investors could be put to much more valuable use. Why don't they spend some of their profits on building new shelters for battered women, or investing in a cure for AIDS? It's not the average middle-class American that is making America one of the most despised nations, they are simply misinformed about a lot that goes on in their country; it's the leaders that lie to them that make it difficult for this nation to truly progress.

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